Tag Archives: Bowles Simpson

“We Don’t Have a Debt Crisis.”

Reprinted from TelemachusLeaps.com

Well, if Barack Obama says it is ‘true’, that must mean it is true!

Even his own Budget Commission, Co-Chairs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, strongly disagree with him. Apparently they don’t know what the heck they are talking about in President Obama’s distinguished economic opinion.

If we don’t have a ‘debt crisis’ today since we have added $7 trillion in national debt in 4 years under President Obama, after adding $6 trillion in 8 years under President Bush 43, when will we have a debt crisis then, Mr. President? Continue reading

My Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

Reprinted from Telemachus.com

We were somewhat amused by President Obama and his political consultant David Axelrod ‘accusing’ Mitt Romney of ‘exploding the deficit’ with his ‘$5 trillion tax plan!’

Well, they should know, shouldn’t they? President Obama and his Administration have broken the world records for the accumulation of debt over the past 4 years. They are veritable experts at ‘exploding the deficit!’

President Obama and David Axelrod accusing Mitt Romney of ‘exploding the deficit’ is like Chicago mobster Al Capone ‘accusing’ squeaky-clean G-man Eliot Ness of illegally running bootlegged liquor during Prohibition. Continue reading

The Chicago Guys Would Not Let Me Do It

Reprinted from Telemachus.com

A very high-level and important person that you may know personally or have heard of said that this is the answer President Obama gave when he was asked why he did not introduce the Bowles-Simpson (let’s call it ‘BS’ for brevity’s sake) recommendations as a bill in the US Congress.

Just who is the President here and who are the minions serving whom?

President Obama might have had the best of intentions when he officially signed the document creating the BS Commission by Executive Order 13531. We’ll give him credit for that at least, although at the time, we speculated on January 29, 2010 that this commission would fail just like the other 18 before it.

But when the BS Commission failed to pass the recommendations by the required 14 votes out of the 18 members present in late 2010, President Obama still had it within his power to be the Chief Executive of this great nation of ours and ask the Democrat Majority in the Senate to introduce the BS recommendations and force a vote on the floor of the US Senate and then the US House. Continue reading

What Is A Tax Expenditure?


Reprinted from telemachus.com

 Do you ever get the strange feeling that someone might be getting a better deal under the same federal tax code than you are?

Well, they are…millions of your fellow Americans are.  To the tune of close to $1 trillion in saved tax payments per year. Each year.  And you keep paying all of your taxes like a great American without even knowing why.

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